What is Online Presence Management?

Definition of Online Presence Management Online Presence Management is the process of dealing with and deliberately controlling or influencing activities that bring about an improved reputation for your organization, brand, or personality on the internet. Nowadays with the internet options available, there are many possibilities for companies to increase their online reputation and internet presence,…

The 9 Best Tools for Online Reputation Management

The online brand reputation that your company is having is directly affecting your business and everyone associated with it. People tend to avoid your products and services if comments and reviews they are going to find online about your company are negative. Tools for online reputation management help you discover these comments sooner. It is…

What is Complaints Board and Why Should It Matter to You?

Essential Info About Complaints Board ComplaintsBoard.com is one of the most well-known online platforms that people are using to rate or post complaints related to a particular business. Consumers are leaving their comments (complaints) to provoke a response from a certain company. This service is helping people get their complaints answered and receive help through…

What are the Top 5 Brands in the World?

What are the top 5 brands in the world? In this guide, we will explore five of the most popular and trustworthy brands.    Some of the recent research has highlighted how some brands have really dominated the world market space with hundreds or thousands of services and products and therefore sustained their brand value…

Is Nestle a Bad Company? The Secret of the Chocolate Behemoth

This company with its unscrupulous business practices like taking clean drinking water from areas that desperately need it, taking part in human trafficking and child labor, and also young mothers from third world countries that got exploited, Nestle is probably one of the world’s most corrupt companies. The Nestle Company History And Foundation Nestle was…